Im just gonna try this guys so level with me here ok:
Things change. People change. We are born, we grow old, we die. A cycle of life. I never gave much thought about my future. Wasnt smart enough to continue school. but wasnt dumb enough to drop out. So what do you do when you have no plans for you future. I joined the marines.
I was good solider . I listened well, did what i was told. kept my mouth shut and my nose clean. Didnt take long to move up in rank. But what good did that really do. A little more money in my pocket. Another stripe for my uniform? No. what it did was almost get me killed. Then were would i be. buried ten feet under in a cheep white box?
I almost died but i cheated death.But with all good things comes a price, mine just happened to be my legs. I was let go with honor. At least thats what they tell you only they dont give a shit. Better me than them right?
I never thought it would happen. Guess i was to focused on living than dying. But it did happen. It happened to me for a reason.
I was once a marine. A marine given a chance to start over, to keep moving foward. Pandora was my future. It became my home. My name is Jake Sully, i am a na'vi.
Things change. People change. We are born, we grow old, we die. A cycle of life. I never gave much thought about my future. Wasnt smart enough to continue school. but wasnt dumb enough to drop out. So what do you do when you have no plans for you future. I joined the marines.
I was good solider . I listened well, did what i was told. kept my mouth shut and my nose clean. Didnt take long to move up in rank. But what good did that really do. A little more money in my pocket. Another stripe for my uniform? No. what it did was almost get me killed. Then were would i be. buried ten feet under in a cheep white box?
I almost died but i cheated death.But with all good things comes a price, mine just happened to be my legs. I was let go with honor. At least thats what they tell you only they dont give a shit. Better me than them right?
I never thought it would happen. Guess i was to focused on living than dying. But it did happen. It happened to me for a reason.
I was once a marine. A marine given a chance to start over, to keep moving foward. Pandora was my future. It became my home. My name is Jake Sully, i am a na'vi.